Fashion: The Great White Nope!

Are you in the mood for painted leather?

There’s no denying that the Flying Tomato is the greatest halfpipe rider ever. Untouchable. Unrivaled. Also the sport’s highest paid, the most competitively dominant and easily the most famous. But since the now 30-year old pipe jock was a young teen-idol, he’s consistently distanced himself from the sport that made him. Why is irrelevant. He’s got his reasons. And skills haven’t seemed to suffer. But still.


When someone approaches me and says, ‘Dude, it’s snowing in Mammoth!’ I don’t know what to say, because I could really care less. I mean, I’m sure Slash doesn’t want to talk about guitars.

Rolling Stone (2010) in Shaun White: Big Hair, Big Air & The Killer Inside

And, same article:

I think about what people will think in the future when they see my face too,” he says. “I don’t know what I want them to think of, but I definitely wouldn’t want it to be snowboarding, because there’s so much more to me than that.

So much more! The forgettable and now defunct rock band he fronted & paid people to play in. Which got more press for the sexual harassment suit brought against him by the drummer than they ever did for the music. Probably it was just locker room talk. But still.


The next transition, from rock star to fashion designer is a logical one, after all, his Target boy’s collection was a smash. So now: WHT SPACE for Macy’s. Fashion! Bespoke, sort of, even.


I guess lots of people saw Trouble Andrew painting on leather jackets last year before the Gucci partnership popped. Maybe even the team who designed Shaun’s mall-ready collection. By now those hand-painted pleather jackets are sold out but you can shop the rest of the collection here at deep discounts.


Aside from a passion for fashion, the crew here at LodgeGrit shares something else with Shaun—we too, are just trying to fill some white space. And why climb high when the low-hanging fruit tastes just as sweet?

Just in: Decade’s best advertisement!

The greatest and most chill advertisement snowboarding has produced in 10 years!

Let us paint you a picture… So here you are; You a snowboarder, are out on a fine late winter’s day shredding in the beautiful, calm, stoic Pacific Northwest.

The sun is starting to set, there’s trippy, majestic rays coming off the half pipe that you’re slashing the shit out of, and you’re just crushing life.

Sounds good right?

Like pretty much the best day ever?

Well there’s more. You’re also jamming out on the guitar. And we’re not talking about some weak ass acoustic guitar shit, we’re talking hardcore wailing. Slaying. Thrashing. Whatever you want to call it, that’s what you’re doing.

Even better right?

Shredding and jamming. Just like PB & J, a perfect combo. But oh yeah, there’s one more thing.

You’re not you… you’re Jamie Lynn.

Pretty sick painting right? Well that painting is a reality, and it’s the newest Volcom Snowboarding Ad. This is not just any ad ladies and gentlemen.

This ad is the greatest and most chill ad snowboarding has produced in the last 10 years. It is pure shredding, and pure attitude. God bless this ad.

I fucking love it.


How to: Not get butthurt on the net!

Advice from our most controversial pal!

Don’t go on the internet.


Beware: Vikings will wreck your home!

They are so handsome! So dreamy! But wait...

Do you watch Vikings on television/Amazon? Oh it is the grandest show on earth! I usually loathe when my wife finds other men cute, writing vicious articles defaming their characters in response, but the lead character, Ragnar Lothbrok played by Australian Travis Fimmel, is so dreamy that if given the chance I might leave her for him (see above).

In any case, I come mostly from the surf world and did you know there was surf in Norway? Of course you did. There is surf everywhere now even Austin, Texas but if you have a woman or a man you should be very worried about viking surfers?

If Ragnar Lothbrok is any indication of how they look our entire structure is set to collapse. The New York Times did a piece on these Northmen. Should we read a little?

This was all new to Tim Matley, a thin and boyishly blond Australian, who found himself above the Arctic Circle for the first time in this remote village with as many surf shops (two) as sheep farms.

His usual itinerary was six months of surfing in Australia, then six months in Indonesia. If the waves were high, that was great, as long as the temperature was higher. He had never before worn a hood, gloves and boots in a competition. In fact, he had seldom worn a wet suit.

“I like to feel my toes in the wax,” Matley, 34, said. “In boots, I can’t feel anything.”

His girlfriend, Guro Aanestad, a three-time Norwegian surfing champion, had just won the women’s title at the Lofoten Masters on Oct. 8. It is billed as the world’s northernmost surfing competition. Now Matley awaited the men’s final.

The valley at his back rose to a mountainous amphitheater. A crescent bay opened before him, its exposed, rocky points known for catching North Atlantic swells the way a net catches fish.

“It’s unreal how many people surf in conditions like this,” Matley said. “It’s beautiful, but it’s so cold. At least I got to see my first northern lights. That was good.”

Wait. I’m super bored! And Australian surf viking Tim Matley sounds….. like he belongs on that horrible hideous awful website The Inertia. If you ain’t bored, read the rest here but while I have you… Do you believe in the concept of “hall passes?” That your significant other can stray for a decided upon choice?

I don’t. If you are mine than you are mine and all others can go to hell.

(Unless Travis Fimmel is around)

But let’s take a step back real quick. Those northlands are always shrouded in snow and have produced many a fine snowboarder. But are viking snowboarders very cute? Let’s examine Norway’s Ikka Backstrom.


Oh whew. Ok. As you were. Everything is going to be ok. Neither your significant other nor you is going to stray. Society is saved.

(Unless Travis Fimmel is around) (Or JP Solberg) (Or Eero Niemela) (Or Ikka Backstrom on a normal day) (Etc.) (OH FUCK!)

Psych 101: Post-gangsterism and you!

Hood-rat shit and snowboarding go way back!

Nasty opinion on small snowboard subcultures within subcultures within a subculture have been written about 16,000 times throughout the last 15 years. It doesn’t matter if its never been written about women before. It’s the same shit. Back then comments in these articles pertained mostly to MFMs or JPs or FODTs with a heavy emphasis on the FODTs.

Hood-rat shit and snowboarding go way back.

The Too Hard video, and debate surrounding, is merely an example of a post-gangsterism wave in snowboarding, skateboarding, and pop culture as a whole. It’s where random white kids wearing normal clothes do silly things to obscure rap music as a joke. The joke is indeed on people who don’t get it. It’s funny, both lol’able and swaggy.

In 2016 snowboarding cares not for opinion on any one of its 1900 videos that came out this month. There is something for everyone released almost daily. One thing, perhaps the only thing that will always remain cool is not giving a fuck about what other people like to do or watch.

Speaking of which, the only measurable thing we have is view-count. That’s relevancy. With social media and the internet snowboarding has democratized, meaning you don’t need all of the fancy cameras and sponsorship dollars to get views or notoriety. The Too Hard girls, for instance, have their own Vice series.

If that aint’ visibility I don’t know what is.