Todd Richards and Sage Kotsenburg discuss the joys of being the best!
Todd Richards won an impressive 16th place finish in halfpipe at the 1998 Nagano Winter Games. Sage Kotsenburg won an equally impressive gold medal in the first ever slopestyle at the 2014 Sochi Winter Games. Let’s listen in as these two legends chat in the rarified air…
Richards: Tell me the most annoying thing about having a Gold medal.
Kotsenburg: Everyone asking where I keep it and asking if their son’s best friends cousin can get a photo with it on. Haha on the real nothing is exactly BAD about having it but people turn into Smeagol from Lord Of The Rings when they get around it.
Are you pissed that Mark McMorris got 3rd at the Sochi Olympic games and he got a video game and you won the thing and you can’t even get a signature App for the Galaxy 7?
I am pumped for Mark having a game. That is rad! Seems like too much work for me though.
Do you think this is your agent’s fault?
Definitely my agent’s fault. I can always blame him for stuff I don’t get. He did get me a lifetime supply of bacon which is cool. I never redeemed it though
You just signed with Oakley from head to toe. Have they tried to get you to wear some wacky glasses yet that look like they fell out of someone’s Halloween costume closet?
I am actually looking to get one of those Over The Top glasses… Those things are fuego!
Do you have any kind of pre snowboarding OCD behavior that is super embarrassing but somehow want to tell everyone in this interview right now?
I don’t have any pre snowboarding OCD behavior but if you have hung out with me you know I have twitches or tics whatever you want to call them every 30 seconds or so that switch up every 6 months to a year that I have to do or I get insanely pissed off.
Are you the coolest person in Park City? Trick question! Ken Block is. Do you hang out with Ken Block?
He is the undisputed King Of Park City. I hang out with him for sure when he is in town. We both have pretty hectic schedules but we kick it for sure.
I know you are super into Game Of Thrones. Who is the King Joffrey of snowboarding?
Shaun White?

On a scale of 1-10 how awesome do you think you are?
What are you going to be for Halloween this year?
I have no idea but I take Halloween pretty serious I always go all in on costumes so I need to figure it out asap. My brain hurts from the premier tour I just got done with Halldor though so it is tough to decide…
Do you need any yard work done? Because Hondo is available.
Hondo is always welcome to help me with my yard. Or just come kick it and drink some @icywine_official
You’ve been to the White House to meet the president and got really close to him. What did Obama smell like?
I can’t remember but he told me I did the chillest interview he had ever seen…
Are you still tight with all the talk show hosts?
Not really… I’d say i’m closest with Conan me and him gel super well. He comes to Park City with his family every year I told him to hit me up to shred but he never did. Letterman was cool too but he put a lot of pressure on me saying he wants his kid to be like me when he grows up!
What was the dumbest thing you bought with all that Olympic loot that came pouring in?
I actually never sent it with any of the money really. Sorry that is such a boring answer. I got my girlfriend a YSL purse. But that was also cause I puked in her purse on my 21st birthday haha so I kind of deserved that one…
I hope you did something nice for your parents because they are nice people. My parents are the best!
Shouts out to mom and dad.
Do you ever skip leg day or is everyday leg day when you are Sage?
This is such a rogue question hahaha.
The Olympics were two seasons ago, do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and think you are still trying to qualify?
I have nightmares that I am back in 2014 trying to qualify and I haven’t ridden at all… Such a stressful time haha… The Olympics are nasty that way.